Strange Loop

2009 - 2023


St. Louis, MO

Concurrency in iOS

iOS includes Apple's new Grand Central Dispatch framework for managing concurrency. Since Grand Central Dispatch makes heavy use of blocks, Apple's closure-like extension to the C language, this talk will first cover blocks, then go into Grand Central Dispatch. We'll discuss usage and best practices from the ground up for GCD, allowing you to write awesome, performant apps. As an added benefit, since GCD is a system-level framework, everything in this talk applies equally to Mac OS X and iOS!

Jeff Kelley

Jeff Kelley

Detroit Labs

Jeff Kelley is a senior-level iOS developer with experience in a wide range of industries. Jeff speaks at conferences and local Cocoa programming groups on topics such as the Objective-C Runtime and Grand Central Dispatch. His projects range from the Chevy Game Time second-screen experience, the Fathead Big Shot augmented reality product viewer, the Podcastic podcast player, to iPad product guides, event managers and virtual tours for car dealerships. Jeff has a reputation of over 6000+ on StackOverflow and is has just completed an introductory iPhone/iPad book for Apress called Learn Cocoa Touch, due out later this year.