Strange Loop

2009 - 2023


St. Louis, MO

Qbrt Bytecode: Interface Between Code and Execution

Meet Qbrt, a bytecode assembly language with builtin primitives for concurrency and inline asynchronous I/O. Qbrt aspires to allow language designers to focus on the human interface of programming languages by abstracting the implementation of complex runtime features behind a clean, simple bytecode interface.

The JVM and LLVM have demonstrated a narrowing performance gap between JIT compiled bytecode and native machine code. With the primary reason to avoid bytecode VMs waning, the benefits of VMs become more pronounced and make them a more appealing target for front end languages.

Qbrt is being built as a standalone bytecode language and VM to provide high-level, front-end languages with accessible implementations of:

Matthew Graham

Matthew Graham


Professionally hacking on API and infrastructure code at Etsy. On the side, learning languages, yearning for more, and presently scratching his own itch of what the perfect language looks like.